• Baxi, Upendra. 2010. ‘Writing About Impunity and Environment: the “Silver Jubilee” of the Bhopal Catastrophe’, Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 1:1, 23-44.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2010. ‘Justice and Care.’ India International Centre Quarterly 37, 2: 118-32.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2010. ‘Caste Census and Constitutional Justice.’ Economic and Political Weekly 45, 37: 25-29.
  • Baxi, Upendra 2010.  ‘Justice of Human Rights in Indian Constitutionalism’ in Akaash Singh Rathore and Silika Mohapatra, Indian Political Thought: A Reader, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2010. ‘Colonial Nature of the Indian Legal System’ in  Indra Deva ed Sociology of Law, Delhi: OUP.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2010. The judiciary as a resource for Indian democracy, Seminar, 615, November (WE THE PEOPLE: a symposium on the Constitution of India after 60 years, 1950-2010).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2010. Review Article, Revisiting Gujarat 2002 with Harsh Mander, Reviewed Work: Fear and Forgiveness: The Aftermath of Massacre by Harsh Mander. Economic and Political Weekly 45, no. 14: 32–39.
  • Upendra. 2009. ‘Outline of a ‘Theory of Practice’ of Indian Constitutionalism’ in Rajeev Bhargava ed., Politics and Ethics of the Indian Constitution, OUP.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2009. Judging Emmanuel Levinas – Some Reflections on Reading Levinas, Law, Politics [article] Review Article, Modern Law Review , 72, 1 (January): 116-129
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2009. ‘The ‘Uncertain and Crooked Cord’ of Judicial Discretion.’ Journal of the Indian Law Institute 51, no. 2: 187-200.  
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2009. ‘Does Life Indeed Begin at Sixty? Revisiting the UDHR as a ‘Single Garment of Destiny’ in a Hyperglobalized World’. Emory International Law Review, 23, 1: 25-40.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2009. ‘Constitutional Utopias: A Conversation with Neelan Tiruchelvam’. Tenth Neelan Tiruchelvam Memorial Lecture, Colombo.
  • Baxi Upendra. 2009. ‘Reading “Terror”: Reflections on François Debrix, Tabloid Terror: War, Culture, and Geopolitics’. Theory & Event 12 (3). https://doi.org/10.1353/tae.0.0084.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2008. ‘The Crisis of Civility and Representation’. Justice S. Rangarajan Memorial Lecture, Bangalore.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2008. ‘Enculturing Law: Some Unphilosophic Remarks,’ in K. Sitharaman and Mathew George (ed.) Enculturing Law (Centre for the Study of Society and Culture, Tulika Delhi)
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2008. Outline of a Theory of Practice of Indian Constitutionalism, in Politics and Ethics of the Indian Constitution 92 (New Delhi: Oxford University Press).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2008. Siting Truth, Justice, and Rights Amidst the Two Terror Wars, in Globalisation, Political Violence and Translation (Palgrave –Macmillan, 2008.) Final Text, March 25, 2008.
  • Baxi Upendra. 2006. ‘Jury Trials and Plea Bargaining: A True History by Mike McConville and Chester L. Mirsky’. King’s Law Journal 17 (1).
  • Baxi Upendra. 2006. ‘Politics of reading human rights: inclusion and exclusion within the production of human rights’ in S. Meckled-García and B. Cali (eds.), The legalization of human rights: multidisciplinary perspectives on human rights and human rights law. London: Routledge, pp. 167-184.
  • Baxi Upendra. 2007. ‘O Estado de Direito Na Índia’. Sur. Revista Internacional de Direitos Humanos 4 (6). https://doi.org/10.1590/s1806-64452007000100002.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2007. Towards a General Assembly of Peoples: Notes for Conversion [article], Symposium: Envisioning a More Democratic Global Democracy, Widener Law Review, 13, 2: 401-418.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2007. ‘The Rule of Law in India’. Sur International Journal of Human Rights 6, 4:7-25.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2007. ‘Development as a human right or as political largesse? Does it make any difference?’, Founders Day Lecture [Working Paper].
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2007, ‘Revisiting Social Dimensions of Law and Justice in a Posthuman Era’, 2007 (1) Law, Social Justice & Global Development Journal (LGD).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2007. ‘Failed De-Colonization and Future of Social Rights,’ in Daphne Barkarz and Ayeal M. Gross (eds.) Exploring Social Rights: Between Theory and Practice, PP: 41-56 Hart Publishing.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2007. ‘Re-Silencing Human Rights,’ in Gurminder K, Bhambra and Robbie Shillman (ed.) Silencing Human Rights (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press)
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2007. ‘The Globalization of Fatwas amidst the Terror Wars against Pluralism,’ in Kebbet von Benda –Beckman et.al. (ed) Law, Power, and Control, (University of Edinburgh, 2007).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2007. ‘The Promise and Peril of Transcendental Jurisprudence: Justice Krishna Iyer’s Mortal Combat with the Production of Human Rightlesness in India,’ in C. Raj Kumar and K. Chockalingam (eds.) Human Rights, Justice, and Empowerment 3-25 (2007, Delhi, Oxford University Press.)
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2006. ‘What May the ‘Third World’ Expect from International Law?’ Third World Quarterly 27, 5:713-25.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2006. ‘The Zahira contempt case : Towards a legal critique’, Lawyers Collective 21(10), 27 – 30.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2006. ‘Celebrating Professor M P Jain’, Indian Socio-Legal Journal 32(01&02), 1 – 4.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2006. ‘Adieu, Satyaranjan Sathe.’ Economic and Political Weekly 41, 31: 3356-358.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2006. ‘Siting Secularism in the Uniform Civil Code,’ in The Crisis of Secularism in India (Rajeswari Sunder Rajan and Anuradha Needham (eds). Durham, N.C. Duke University Press.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2005. Market Fundamentalisms: Business Ethics at the Altar of Human Rights Human Rights Law Review, 5, 1:1-26.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2005. ‘The Shadow of Law.’ India International Centre Quarterly 32, no. 1: 121-29. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23005965.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2005. ‘Notes on Holocaustian Politics’. Seminar 513: 77-83. https://www.india-seminar.com/2002/513/513%20upendra%20baxi.htm
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2005 ‘Celebrating Professor M. P. Jain.’ Journal of the Indian Law Institute 47, 1: 3-6, http://www.jstor.org/stable/43951948.
  • Baxi Upendra. 2005. ‘The War on Terror and the War of Terror: Nomadic Multitudes, Aggressive Incumbents, and the New International Law – Prefactory Remarks on Two Wars [comments]’. Osgoode Hall Law Journal 43 (1 & 2): 7-44 (Spring/Summer 2005),
  • Baxi Upendra. 2005. ‘Book Review: Austin Sarat, Bryant Garth and Robert A. Kagan (eds), Looking Back at Law’s Century’, Social & Legal Studies, 14, 1:143-146.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2005, ‘The Gujarat Catastrophe: Notes on Reading Politics as Democidal Rape Culture’ in Kalpana Kannabiran, ed., The Violence of the Normal Times 332- 383 (New Delhi, Women Unlimited).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2005. ‘Colonial Nature of the Indian Legal System’, in Sociology of Law 45 (Indra Deva ed., New Delhi: Oxford University Press)
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2005. ‘Justice of Human Rights,’ in Thomas Pantham and V.R. Mehta Ed.  Modern Indian Political Thought (Sage Publications).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2005. ‘Protection of Human Rights and Production of Human Rightlessness in India.’ In Randall Peerenboom, Carole J. Petersen, Albert H.Y. Chen eds. Human Rights in Asia: A Comparative Legal Study of Twelve Asian Jurisdictions, France and the USA, Routledge.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2005. ‘The Politics of Reading Human Rights,’ in Basak Çali and Saladin Meckled- Garica ed. Fin de Legalization (London, Routledge).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2004.  Reflections on the Sixth Annual Grotius Lecture by Amy Chua [comments] American University International Law Review, 19, 6: 1255-1264.
  • Baxi, Upendra, Dinesh Mohan, and Geeti Sen. 2004. ‘Education and Politics.’ India International Centre Quarterly 31, 2/3: 143-57.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2004. ‘The ‘Just War’ for Profit and Power: The Bhopal Catastrophe and the Principle of Double Effect’, in Lene Bomann-Larsen and Oddny Wiggen (eds.) Responsibility in World Business: Managing Harmful Side-effects of Corporate Activity’ 175-201(Tokyo, The United Nations University Press).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2004. ‘Foreword’ to Queer: Despised sexualities, law and social change, Arvind Narrain (Bangalore, Books for Change).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2004. ‘Foreword’ to The juvenile justice system in India: From welfare to rights’, Ved Kumari, (New Delhi, Oxford University Press).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2004. ‘The Rule of Law in India: Theory and Practice’ in Randall Peerenboom ed, Asian Discourses on Rule of law: Theory and Implementation of Rule of Law in Twelve Asian Countries, France and the United States, Pp 318-339.London, Curzon.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003. ‘The Twilight of Human Rights in India.’ India International Centre Quarterly 30, 2: 19-28.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003. ‘Memory and Rightlessness’. J.P. Naik Memorial Lecture, Centre for Women’s Development Studies, Delhi.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003. ‘Constructing a Platform of Memory: Towards a Sociology of Indian Law Reviews’, Delhi Law Review, 25: 1-20.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003. ‘An Honest Citizens Guide To Criminal Justice System Reform: A Critique of The Malimath Report’. The (Malimath) Committee on Reforms of Criminal Justice System: Premises, Politics and Implications for Human Rights’, New Delhi: Amnesty International India.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003, ‘Foreword’ to Human Rights Violations against the transgender community: A study of kothi and hijra sex workers in Bangalore, PUCL-K .
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003. ‘“A Known but an Indifferent Judge”: Situating Ronald Dworkin in contemporary Indian Jurisprudence,’ 1, I.CON:  International Journal of Constitutional Law 557.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003. ‘Global Development and Impoverishment’ in Peter Cane and Mark Tushnet (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Legal Studies pp 455-484, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003. ‘The Colonial Heritage’, in Pierre Legrand and Roderick Munday eds, Comparative Legal Studies: Traditions and Transitions, pp 46 – 75, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003. Operation Enduring Freedom: Towards a New International Law and Order? In The Third World and International Order: Law, Politics, and Globalization ( Leiden, The Netherlands, Anthony Anghie et. al. eds.) 3-46.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2003. Violence, Constitutionalism, and Struggle: Or How to Avoid Being a Mahamoorkha!, in Liberty, Equality, and Justice: Struggles for a New Social Order 9 (Sathe & Narayanan eds. Lucknow: EBC Publishing).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2002. ‘The Second Gujarat Catastrophe.’ Economic and Political Weekly 37, 34: 3519-531.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2002. ‘Sense and Sensibility’, Seminar # 511, ‘Beyond Numbers: A Symposium on Population Planning and Advocac.y’, March.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2002. ‘Operation ‘Enduring Freedom’, SEMINAR, Issue No. 518.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2002. ‘How to Avoid the Massacre of Ancestors: Tracing Gyan Swaroop Sharma’s Many Splendoured Contributions to the Future of Indian Jurisprudence’. G.S. Sharma Memorial Lecture, National Law School University, Jodhpur: December 14-15.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2002. ‘The (Im) possibility of Constitutional Justice: Seismographic Notes on Indian Constitutionalism’, in Z. Hasan, E. Sridharan and R. Sudarshan, ed., India’s Living Constitution. pp 31-63. New Delhi: Permanent Black.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2002. Book Review, Judicial Structures : Liberty of Judicial Expression and Restraint (2001), 44 JILI, 279-285.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2001. ‘Geographies of Injustice: Human Rights at the Altar of Convenience,’ in Craig Scott (ed.), Torture as Tort: Comparative Perspectives on the Development of Transnational Human Rights Litigation,pp. 197–212, London: Hart Publishing.
  • Baxi Upendra. 2001. What Happens Next Is Up to You: Human Rights at Risks in Dams and Development [article] Reaction to the Report of the World Commission on Dams, American University International Law Review, 16, 6: 1507-1530.
  • Baxi Upendra. 2001. ‘Professor Pradyumna Kumar Tripathi: A Tribute’, (2001) 5 SCC (Jour) 1.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2001.’ Globalization: Rights amidst Risk and Regression’, in Making Law Matter:  Rules, Rights, and Security in the Lives of the Poor’ IDS Bulletin 32: 94-102
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2001. Too Many, or Too Few, Human Rights [article] Human Rights Law Review, 1, 1:1-10.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2001. ‘Ravinder Kumar: A Personal Tribute.’ Economic and Political Weekly 36, 17: 1385-386.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2001. ‘Human rights as human flourishings: From Julius Stone to Amartya Sen and beyond’ The Julius Stone Address, The University of Sydney Law School.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2001. ‘The Failure of Deliberative Democracy and Global Justice,’ in Democracy Unrealized: Documenta 11_Platform 1 113. 132 (Ostfildren-Ruit, Hatje Cantz Publishers; Okwui Enwezor et. al. eds).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2001. ‘Operation Enduring Freedom: Towards a New International Law and Order?‘, Law, Social Justice & Global Development Journal, 2001 (2).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2001. ‘Preface’, in Judicial Activism in India, by S.P. Sathe (Delhi: Oxford University Press).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2001. ‘Saint Granville’s Gospel: Reflections’. Book Review- Working a Democratic Constitution: The Indian Experience. 1999. Granville Austin. Economic & Political Weekly, March 17, 2001.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2000. ‘The Avatars of Judicial Activism: Explorations in the Geography of (In) Justice’, in S.K. Verma and Kusum (eds.), Fifty Years of the Supreme Court of India: Its grasp and reach, pp 156–209, Delhi: Oxford University Press and Indian Law Institute.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2000. ‘Bringing Judas Back to the Last Supper: The Tasks of Republican Criminology in Service of Globalization’, in Rani Dhavan Sankardass (ed.) Prison and Punishment: Indian and International Perspectives, pp 261-343, New Delhi, Sage.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2000. ‘The Kar Seva of the Indian Constitution? Reflections on  Proposals for Review of the Constitution’ Economic and Political Weekly 35, 11 (March): 891-895.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 2000. ‘Constitutionalism as a Site for State Formative Practices’ Cardozo Law Review 21, 1183-1210.