• Baxi, Upendra. 1999. ‘From Human Rights to the Right to be a Woman’, in Amita Dhanda and Archana Parashar (eds) Engendering Law: Essays in Honour of Professor Lotika Sarkar, 275–90, Lucknow: Eastern Book Company.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1999. ‘Human Rights: Between Suffering and Market’, in Robin Cohen and Shirin Rai (eds) Global Social Movements, pp 32–45, London: Altheone.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1999. ‘The Constitutional Discourse on Secularism’, in U. Baxi, A. Jacob and T. Singh (eds.), Reconstructing the Republic, pp. 211-233, Delhi: Indian Association of Social Science Institutions and Har-Anand Publications.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1999. ‘Voices of Suffering, Fragmented Universality and the Future of Human Rights’, Burns H. Weston and Stephen P. Marks (eds) The Future of International Human Rights, pp 101–56, New York: Ardsley, Transnational Publishers.
  • Baxi, Upendra, 1999. ‘Mass Torts, Multinational Enterprise Liability and Private International Law (Volume 276)’, in: Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law. First published online: 1999.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1998. ‘Voices of Suffering and the Future of Human Rights’, Symposium: International Human Rights at Fifty: a Symposium to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, 8, 2: 125-170.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1998. ‘Voices of Suffering and the Future of Human Rights’, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, Fall, pp. 125-169.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1998. “The Development of the Right to Development,” in Janusz Symonides, ed. Human Rights: New Dimensions and Challenges, 99-116, Dartmouth: Ashgate and Paris: UNESCO.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1998. ‘The State and the Human Rights Movements in India’, in Manoranjan Mohanty, Partha Nath Mukherji and Olle Törnquist (eds) People’s Rights: Social Movements and the State in the Third World, 335–52 (New Delhi: Sage Publications).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1998. ‘The Development of the Right to Development’, Human Rights: New Dimensions and Challenges, Janus Symondies (ed.), 99–116 (Hants: Dartmouth).369-408.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1998. ‘The State and the Human Rights Movements in India’, in Manoranjan Mohanty, Partha Nath Mukherji and Olle Törnquist (eds) People’s Rights: Social Movements and the State in the Third World, 335–52, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1997. Judicial Activism: Usurpation or Re-democratization? Social Action, Vol. 47: 341-357.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1997. ‘A Pilgrim’s Progress: The Basic Structure Revisited’, Indian Bar Review, Vol. 24 (1&2): 53-72.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1997. ‘Human Rights Education: The Promise of the Twenty-First Century?’ in George Andreopoulos and Richard Pierre Claude (eds) Human Rights Education, pp 142–54 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1997. ‘The Indian Constitution at the Crossroads’, in Noel O’Sullivan (ed.), Aspects of India: Essays on Indian Politics and Culture, pp. 369-408, Delhi: Ajanta Publications.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1997. On being an ‘Activist’ judge, and not merely an ‘Active’ one, Address to the 11th Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association Triennial Conference, Cape Town, 27th October.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1996. ‘Power and Social Action’, reprinted from ‘India 1995’, SEMINAR (437) January, 1996.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1996. ‘Life of Law amidst Globalisation’, Law in Context: A Socio-Legal Journal, 14, 1: 25-30.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1996. ‘The Unreason of Globalization and the Reason of Human Rights’ (Mumbai: Dept. of Sociology, University of Mumbai, (A. R. Desai Memorial Lecture, 1996).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1996. ‘Global Neighborhood and Universal Otherhood: Notes on the Report of Commission on Global Governance’, 21, Alternatives, 525–49.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1996. ‘A Work in Progress?’: United States’ Report to UN Human Rights Committee.’ Economic and Political Weekly 31, 5: 283-91.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1996. ‘What Kind of Agenda for Gender Justice, in Women’s Studies in India: Some Perspectives’ 190 (Mumbai: Popular Prakashan).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1996. ‘On judicial activism, legal education and research in a globalising India ‘(New Delhi: Capitol Foundation).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1995. ‘Justice as Emancipation: ‘The Legacy of Babasaheb Ambedkar’ in Upendra Baxi and Bhikhu Parekh (eds), Crisis and Change in Contemporary India, pp 122–49, New Delhi: Sage.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1995. 8th Zakir Hussain Memorial Lecture, ‘Human Rights Education: The Promise of the Third Millennium’, Zakir Hussain College, New Delhi, 19 December 1995.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1995. ‘Life of Law amidst Globalization’, 50th Anniversary Conference of the Australasian Law Teachers’ Association – Cross Currents: Internationalism, National Identity & Law.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1994. Human Rights Education: The Promise of the Third Millennium? Organizing Committee of the People’s Decade of Human Rights Education, 526 West 111th Street, Suite 4E, New York, NY 10025 (http://www. Available at: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED409221 (Accessed: 4 May 2022). Full article: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED409221.pdf
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1994. ‘The Struggle for Redefinition of Secularism in India’ Social Action, 44,13-30.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1994. ‘At the end of his tether’, Encounter: Interview of Upendra Baxi, The Pioneer, 4 September 1994.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1994. Governance and Accountability: Crises and Opportunities, Monograph (New Delhi: University of Delhi).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1993. ‘Sins of Commissions’. Seminar, 405, May.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1993. ‘Remembering Justice Hidayatullah’, 1 SCC [Jour] 13.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1993. ‘Politics as Religion: Constitution (Eightieth) Amendment Bill.’ Economic and Political Weekly 28, 39: 2052-054.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1993. ‘Judicial Discourse : Dialectics of the Face and the Mask.’ Journal of the Indian Law Institute 35, no. 1/2 (1993): 1-12.  
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1992. ‘The State’s Emissary: The Place of Law in Subaltern Studies’ in Partha Chatterjee and Gyanendra Pandey (eds), Subaltern Studies Volume 7, pp.274-265.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1992. The Gathering Storm: Resource Crisis for Universities, Monograph (New Delhi: University of Delhi).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1992. Address at the Annual Convocation. University of Manipur, Manipur, 4th January.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1992. ICES Annual Lecture – Globalization: A world without alternatives?, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, 24 November 1992.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1991. Historic Need for Reasoned National Dialogue, Indian Bar Review, 18(1):386-392.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1991. Complicity and Struggle: Theory and Society, Social Scientist, 19, 9-10 (October-November): 19-26.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1991. Accumulation and Legitimacy: The Indian Constitution and State Formation, Delhi Law Review, 13: 72-84.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1991. ‘Conflicting Conceptions of Legal Cultures and Conflict of Legal Cultures.’ Journal of the Indian Law Institute 33, 2:173-88.  
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1991. ‘Preface’ to Reservation Policy and Practice in India: A Means to An End by Anirudh Prasad (New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications).
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1990. ‘On the Problematic Distinction between “Legislation” and “Adjudication”: A Forgotten Aspect of Dominance’, Delhi Law Review Vol 12, Reprint
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1990. ‘Law and Environment: Quest for Environmental Justice’. 10 Aligarh Law Journal, Reprint.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1990. ‘Reflections on the Reservations Crisis in Gujarat’ in Veena Das, ed., Mirrors of Violence: Communities, Riots and Survivors in South Asia, pp. 215–39, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1990. ‘The Recovery of Fire: Nehru and Legitimation of Power in India.’ Economic and Political Weekly 25, 2: 107-12.
  • Baxi, Upendra. 1990. ‘Teaching as Provocation’ in Amrik Singh (ed.) On Being a Teacher, pp 150-8, Bengaluru: Konark Publishers.